Monday, July 30, 2007

Random for a Song


~ On the way home everyday coming up a hill Maxx and I pass a road sign that says "Red Signal Ahead" Right over the hill there's a Stop Light ...................................................................and a Red Signal Gas Station

~ There are certain parts of Spfld. where my cell phone consistently drops calls. I've learned to stop speaking when I'm coming up on these parts. Now when I'm in the car with someone I stop talking if we're in an area where I don't get service.

A Song:

~ Einy-Miny Pickle-Liny
Pick your tiny nose
If you find a booger
You can put it in your toes
Save in for a rainy day
Then you'll be so glad
That you found that booger
On the day that you were sad

1 comment:

Jason said...

Janelle - I love your blog. You are hilarious and often make me laugh out loud! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
I used to take my sunglasses off when people talked to me - so I could hear better. I'm not really seemed to help! :) -- Nicole Whaley